Máni Svavarsson (Lazy Town) & Lil Jon
ComposersMáni Svavarsson (Lazy Town) & Lil Jon
Writers Singers ChartersReupload of a port of Sach and Katz's Cooking by the Book done by Rinny.
This was reuploaded with permission from Rinny after it was removed.
- Indicated this is the Lil Jon parody remix.
- Set auto timeout for all notes so they respect the BPM.
- Offset adjusted to sync to waveform.
- Set oscillation amplitudes on notes.
- Altered note position to stay inside the red box.
- Added attribution for composers, artists, writers, and vocals.
- Set the original music video as the default media (old video was taken down, but is listed as a variant if you had it previously downloaded).
- Changed the difficulty to 8.5☆ from 10☆ (it definitely isn't 10☆).
- Changed the preview image.
If you want the unedited Rinny port, DM me, I have an archive.